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Practice Gratitude Everyday

Visit the site and practice the art of being grateful for everything, large or small, in your life. It will help you realize how lucky you are and help you on your journey to manifest the life of your dreams. Meditation Not Working For You? Try Gratitude Instead! by Vishen LakhianiFebruary 8, 2010 15 minutes, twice a day. Sounds easy, right? Okay, maybe easier than it sounds so here’s an alternative to meditating that has some immediate effects that beat any pharmaceutical pill. It’s called gratitude and it’s scientifically proven to boost your happiness by 25%! Plus if you have any friends who feel meditation is just too out there (even though, it really isn’t), you can get them into gratitude instead. Check out this quote from a study by Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis and Dr. Michael McCollough of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas: The first group kept a diary of the events that occurred during the day… the second group recorded their unpleasant experiences, [and] the last group made a daily list of things for which they were grateful. The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Additionally, the gratitude group experienced less depression and stress, was more likely to help others, exercised more regularly and made more progress toward personal goals. According to the findings, people who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved. McCollough and Emmons also noted that gratitude encouraged a positive cycle of reciprocal kindness among people since one act of gratitude encourages another… McCullough suggests that anyone can increase their sense of well-being and create positive social effects just from counting their blessings. Not bad. If you haven’t already, I really recommend you get in on the gratitude community by joining GratitudeLog. Totally free and it’s like the Facebook of gratitude.

Daily Quotes from Abraham-Hicks

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Petitions by|Start a Petition »

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Secret of Deliberate Creation

Take the LAw of Attraction to the next level with this!
Click Here!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Get Service

This is a great video to remind you that others are struggling with issues too!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chocolate, Purple And Making Peace With The Past – 50 One-Line Lessons To Live By

Stay Positive!!!

Read these great words of wisdom from the book God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours written by Regina Brett.

Chocolate, Purple And Making Peace With The Past – 50 One-Line Lessons To Live By

"The coolest thing ever" says Oprah

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The GLOW Project - The Movie Behind The Movement

A “must-watch" film for every woman on the planet -- it's inspiring, empowering and encouraging.

The GLOW Project is a powerful program that has been created to inspire, motivate and empower women. We provide support, encouragement, ideas and insights to help women overcome what appear to be seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles. GLOW is about walking in your truth, spreading your wings and soaring into your full potential. GLOW is about being your best self.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

flickspire - May You Be Blessed - Thank You for Watching

Happy Thursday Everyone!

When I opened my e-mail this morning. I received a blessing from Lifesecrets,, a newsletter I receive, and I want to share it with you.
Click the link below and watch the video to get you day off to a great start.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


If you can't laugh at this......

Need a Lift???  Rough Day???  Lighten your mood, don't take life so seriously....

      You are starting to feel a little better now, Aren't you???
               This should do the trick.......

                Have a Great Day!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

About the National Wildlife Federation - National Wildlife Federation

Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife

Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees.
But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States.
In addition to the recent oil spill disaster in the Gulf, stronger hurricanes and rising sea levels are all contributing to a continuously shrinking habitat for Coastal Louisiana's wildlife.

TAKE ACTION! Click on the link below and go the National Wildlife Federation's Action Center to send a strong message now, urge President Obama to provide critical funding to help protect and restore Coastal Louisiana's wildlife and habitat now.

About the National Wildlife Federation - National Wildlife Federation

Jon Stewart's Interview with Jesus

I came across an article this morning via an e-mail newsletter that I subscribe to, Finer Minds, and it is a "what if" Jesus was interviewed today by Jon Stewart and, to be honest, it speaks volumes to me-it is what I have said for years, that religious beliefs (and their different idealogies) have been the cause of every war since time began, that people who are truly "religious"-"holy"-"christian" etc. do not judge others, do not try to force their beliefs on others-they are just glad that other person has a belief system because under it all they truly all say the same thing-love one another-and do not try to make other's beliefs evil or wrong so if you are brave enough then read this, it is enlightening!
It is not my intention to offend or challenge or upset anyone-but I quietly sit and listen when you state your beliefs publicly and I do not change my view of how I value you as a human being because you do not share the same belief as I do so I hope you give me the same courtesy.
Have a fabulous day!

I woke up last night to the sound of laughing and realized I'd fallen asleep with the TV on. It was 3 AM and I knew it was Jon Stewart but I had to fumble around for my glasses to see who his guest was. Unbelievable! It was Jesus, in his robe and all. His nose was bigger than I thought, his skin a lot darker, but his eyes were more piercing than I'd ever imagined. It was like light came out instead of going into them.

John was making some joke about both of them being Jews and Jesus, after laughing harder than I thought he would, said quite seriously to Jon, "Yeah, that's one of the weirdest things, isn't it? How could they forget that?"

Jon was all over him with questions from the daily news. What was his take on the whole Mosque/Ground Zero fiasco? Jesus said he'd seen some newscasts on the story and couldn't believe the drama and fear it was bringing up. "They want to build a public building for prayer, education and community gathering. That's a good thing. A better thing perhaps, would be the construction of an interfaith building, There's room for everyone, and it's these distinctions between religions that's causing all the problems in the first place."

Jon looked incredulous. "An interfaith building??"

"Yes, a multi-tasking mosque, with a synagogue, chapel and meditation hall in it. A building where people of different faiths come together to make a better world together. That's the point of religion right? It's not about doctrine. It's a plan for action, an opportunity to be a communal force for good. Religion is just the map. Faith is the real adventure."
"I don't know...." said Stewart, making one of those funny mouth movements he does after hearing a strange idea.
Jesus pipes in, "What could be better in that spot than a building that represents, by its very structure, a coming together, a new vision that goes beyond religious borders? It's like taking a good idea and making it great. The real prophets of the day know this. Where are their voices? Why aren't you interviewing them?"
"Hmm, I thought I was," says Stewart, tapping his pencil on the desk.

"You know why you have border issues here? Because you believe the borders are real, like they MEAN something. Muslin against Christian, Mexican against American, Republican against Democrat-all those borders are made up. You put up walls to defend your ideas-and not even your OWN, but ideas passed down to you from someone else-and then you make other people look like demons. It's no wonder this country is in a state of collapse. You don't even get it how connected you are. You're like five fingers on a hand who think they're separate and make up reasons why not to get along."
Jon sat there with his mouth open.

"You're like children playing war games. You spend all your time, all your energy attacking the "other side" instead of realizing you need to bridge the two sides in order to get across to a higher level of thinking. Even news shows are at war. Look at how you make fun of FOX. What light does that add to the world? All the time you could be giving to real visionaries, all the ways you could be role-modeling good behavior, showing the audience how it really WORKS to bring great and opposing minds together, and you sit there poking fun at another station. That's really enlightened, isn't it?"
This was the first time I'd ever seen Jon Stewart speechless. He looked like an embarrassed 6th grader. No pencil tapping now. More like a puppy with his tail between his legs.

"What in the world are you people doing? The ones who call themselves "religious" are often the most immature, the most judgmental and intolerant. What is THAT about? That's exactly the opposite of what every religion teaches. And I mean EVERY religion," Jesus said, as he looked away from Stewart and spoke right to the camera.

"All the religions say two basic things," he said, holding up his fingers in a peace sign. "First, there is no distance between you and this one you call God. God is the creative force behind all things. It's invisible, but you are the manifestation of it. I'm telling you, the Sistine Chapel should have been a mirror."
The audience laughs, but Stewart stares into those deep eyes of the Nazarene.

He goes on, " You are the eyes, the hands, the feet of that creative force. That energy is in you. It's called your breath." He holds up his index finger and taps on it a few times. "That's the first thing. Don't think there's some man out there pulling strings. Grow up. This civilization-if you can call it that-is YOUR creation. This earth, it is not a bunch of resources to be exploited. It is not to be owned. It is your mother, the womb that you sprang from. You are its consciousness, its neural cells. The whole earth is the organism that you belong to. You did not come down to earth, you came up from earth, as I did. Its well-being is in your hands. Can you be proud of what you're doing? Are you going to be the ones who kill it off, after all that talk about pro-life?"

Jesus was getting a little worked up, like that day he stormed through the temple turning over the merchants' tables. Jon cut to a commercial, "And we'll be right back to hear the 2nd basic thing from our guest tonight, ladies and gentlemen, the Jewish prophet Jesus of Nazareth. Stay tuned..."
They were laughing about something when they returned from the commercial, Jesus stretched out in his chair with his long lanky legs covered by his tunic, his sandaled feet hidden under the desk.

"OK," Jon says, "You were saying there were two things. Let me see if I got this right. There's no bearded guy up there on a cloud. That God we talk about and fight over is the creative force inside us and around us? It's invisible and we're like....(a long pause) its shadow?"
"Not exactly," says Jesus. We're like the physical form of the same energy. The ice cube version of water or steam. Same elements, different form. The sea and the iceberg. You're all icebergs in the Sea of God," he said, half-laughing at his own quaint metaphor. "But the problem is you don't realize that underneath it all, you're all connected. There's just one big iceberg with a lot of tips. The truth is, you're Creation continuing the co-creation of Itself."
"Oh my," says Stewart. "Let's leave that discussion to Bill Moyers, What about number two? What's the number two thing we're supposed to know?"

Jesus holds up his two fingers again, tapping the tip of his middle finger. The camera zoomed in so closely on him I could see a scar on his forehead. "It's not so much what you need to know-that's part of the problem, all these peoples' belief systems. That's what gets you in trouble. No one has to believe in me to get to heaven. A...there is no heaven to get to and B, it's not what you believe but how you act that matters. If anyone learned anything from reading that Bible they should have picked up that one. There's 3000 references to helping the poor in there. But let me get back..."
"Yes," says Stewart. "The second thing.."

"The second thing is this: forget everything you ever learned in any holy book and just treat everyone like a brother and a sister. I mean that literally. If it were your brother coming across the border...your sister with cancer and no health care....your child unable to get an education....your mother with no food in her house. And even further, your brother who was gay or hated gays, your sister who was a corrupt politician, your brother who bombed an abortion clinic, your sister who got an abortion. What does it look like to love unconditionally? To bridge differences, to come together over what we can agree on? Can you get through one day without thinking you're better or less than another? That's the thing to strive for. That is living faithfully."

"But...but..." says Stewart. "What about the Tea Partyers, the terrorists, what about Fox News and hate crimes?"
"If you think they are so different from you, be the opposite of what you think they are and enact that powerfully in the world. Don't focus on who's wrong. Just be a greater force for good."
"Not focus on who's wrong? How could I do my show?"

"Exactly. Remember what Gandhi said? Be the change you want to see in the world?"

"Sure. I have that quotation on my refrigerator."

"Well, it's time to take it further. You're evolving as a people. You've come through the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the wrongly named Period of Enlightenment. You're now in the Information Age. You are growing your consciousness. In the physical world, you have Olympic marathon trainers who run 10 miles or more a day. They spend every waking hour in training, eating the right foods, researching the right clothing and equipment, working out, following a discipline. And in the metaphysical world, the spiritual world, you have people doing the same-they are your mystics and prophets-engaging in spiritual practice, accelerating their wisdom, expanding their consciousness, transcending judgment and radiating love into the world. You might be in that category.,."

Stewart does one of his choking, ahem things, putting his hand over his mouth. "Out of the question," he says frankly. "I thrive on judgment."

"Good to know yourself. You're all evolving at different rates. In the fall, when you look at a maple tree, you see leaves that are green, yellow, orange and red. They don't all change at the same time. And that's what makes life exciting. You all know different things. That's why you need each other. Like that guy Ken Wilbur said, "You're all right, only partly so."

Stewart nods his head in agreement, tapping his pencil on the table again.

"But back to Gandhi. I agree with what he said, but I'll say it a different way, just to shake things up a bit, which I love to do. By the way, it'd make a great bumper sticker: Be the God you want to see in the world."

"Oh-oh, sounds blasphemous to me," says Stewart.

"You know as well as I do, every good idea starts out as a blasphemy."

"OK, great, we're out of time," says Stewart, as the camera swings over for a shot of the audience. They're all standing, some crying and laughing at the same time, the most incredible look of collective awe I've ever seen. And Jesus walks over like Jay Leno and starts shaking hands with them. What a night!
The End

Jan Phillips, author/speaker - The Art of Original Thinking-The Making of a Thought Leader, Divining the Body, Marry Your Muse, God is at Eye Level, Making Peace, A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind
"No matter what our attempts to inform, it is our ability to inspire that will turn the tides."  - from Marry Your Muse
Article Source:

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - Free 4-Day Allergy Forecast for CANYON LAKE, TX

WOW!!! Now I know why everyone is sniffling and stuffy and whiny!!! - Free 4-Day Allergy Forecast for CANYON LAKE, TX

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Persevere Movie

Persevere Movie: "Persevere. In my many years of business and life, I realize that there are quite a few things that separate the good from the great. But, if you asked me to only pick one reason why some or more successful than others, I would offer you this...your willingness to PERSEVERE."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shaklee Videos: Get Clean

Watch this video for more info about Shaklee's Get Clean cleaning products

Shaklee Videos: Get Clean

Monday, August 16, 2010

Shaklee Videos: Vitalizer

Feeling tired? Not eating right? Too much stress? Re-build your immunity with Shaklee Videos: Vitalizer

Monday, August 9, 2010

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Shaklee Independent Distributor
What is Shaklee?
A Healthier Life for Everyone and a Better Life for Anyone™
Maybe you’re looking for a way to get healthier. Or a way to make a healthier income. Maybe you’d like both. Maybe there are things that matter more to you than money.
At Shaklee, we get it. Life can be better. You can live healthier, you can make a healthier income, and you can do it by making people and the planet healthier too.
When you pick Shaklee, you will know three things to be true. It is always safe. It always works. And it is always green

Healthy Nutrition

A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Cellular Anti-Aging* – Vivix® Dietary Supplement

Healthy Home
Get Clean offers you nontoxic and natural cleaning choices that are SAFE, POWERFUL, GREEN and SMART. Because when it comes to keeping your house clean and the earth safe, you shouldn’t have to choose. When you use Get Clean, you’re never simply cleaning. While you make your home cleaner, you can make your family healthier. You also make the planet healthier for other families as well.

Get Clean
No harmful fumes
No volatile organic cleaning compounds
Formulated without hazardous chemicals
Get Clean products offer cleaning choices that are Green, and here's why:

Sustainably sourced natural ingredients
Biodegradable surfactants
Recyclable packaging
Recyclable wipes
Recyclable dryer sheets
No chlorine bleach
No volatile organic cleaning compounds
No phosphates
No nitrates
No borates
No animal testing

Healthy Babies & Kids with Shakleekids

Raising healthy kids today can be challenging for all of us. Is this safe? Did they eat enough? Are they growing properly? Ease your worries with the world's best children's products, designed specifically with your little ones in mind.

Shakleebaby is about keeping your little ones healthy inside and out. Nourish their growing bodies with our powdered multivitamin/multimineral supplement, with a prebiotic blend to support a healthy immune system* and 23 essential nutrients that support proper development. For babies' sensitive skin, our personal care products are formulated with natural and organic ingredients and are pediatrician tested to be safe and effective. Gentle Wash, Soothing Lotion, Diaper Rash Cream and Massage Oil are all 99% natural and 76% - 99% organic, just what you need to keep your little one's bottoms soft and itty-bitty toes clean.

Shakleekids brings out the best in your little superheroes, like healthy bodies, smart noggins, rad vision, and a rockin' immune system*. Loaded with 100% natural, ultra-pure DHA, Mighty Smart™ supports early brain development and healthy eyes while Incredivites™—the world's best kids' supplement—is the first kids' chewable multivitamin in the U.S. to feature lactoferrin, which helps kids immune systems stay supercharged*. It also delivers 23 essential nutrients to help build strong bones and healthy bodies. It's perfect for all the important things they need to do, like fight imaginary monsters.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.Healthy Nutrition

Healthy Weight

Say Hello to Cinch®
Cinch is Powered by Leucine™ and specially formulated to help you break the diet cycle, so you:
Keep muscle you have
Burn fat you don’t need
Lose inches you don’t want

Healthy Beauty
Enfuselle skin care is formulated with Vital Repair+®, a blend of seven antioxidant nutrients to block ALL those skin-damaging free radical reactions and actually allow the skin to keep making healthy cells.

Exclusive, triple-patented Vital Repair +® Complex
Vitamin E provides front line antioxidant defense and creates silky smoothness.
Vitamin C supports the body’s natural defenses against UV-induced collagen breakdown.
Vitamin A increases skin’s natural moisture rentention.
Panthenol (pro-vitamin B5) boosts skin’s suppleness and elasticity.
Grape Seed Extract interrupts enzyme reactions which break down skin-firming collagen.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) neutralizes the free radicals that visibly age skin the fastest.
Beta Glucan soothes environmental irritation.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Daily Moon Phases


About this blog

This will be a blog with information on nutrition, green products for your home to live healthier, sites to visit on your journey that are motivating, and stories to make you think with a new perspective and ones to make you laugh as well!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No Justice-Red Dirt Band from Okie

Demand NO JUSTICE in Canyon Lake!
NO JUSTICE in Canyon Lake - Learn more about this Eventful Demand

View all Canyon Lake events on Eventful

View NO JUSTICE tour dates from Eventful

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Capture a Gemini's Heart - Loving a fickle twin

They say a girl always wants to marry a man just like Dad-the apple of her eye-it took me 45 years to figure it out-but my Two Gemini's are enough to drive a girl crazy BUT I gotta love em'!!!!

Capture a Gemini's Heart - Loving a fickle twin

Ray Stevens - Come to the USA

Monday, May 31, 2010

Flea the Scene : A must-have product for dogs with an active lifestyle

What a fabulous, natural , non-toxic product to help these poor Texas dogs from the fleas this year!
Flea the Scene : A must-have product for dogs with an active lifestyle

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

You don’t really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around – and why his parents will always wave back. ~William D. Tammeus

Sing out loud in the car even, or especially, if it embarrasses your children. ~Marilyn Penland

A mother understands what a child does not say. ~Author Unknown

Lessons to learn about attorneys

I've learned alot in the past few weeks about the legal system, and I am now convinced that the process is set up to hurt the good guys.  The man in my life, Todd, was served with papers from his ex-wife for back child support amd to modify the divorce decree to move the children out of state and away from him.  He was devastated.
Sooo I began doing what I do best, researching for help as he can't afford an attorney right now, being on unemployment and waiting for surgery.  What a Joke!!!  There is no help for the underdog.  This woman continually wreaks havoc on our lives, bad mouthing Todd to his children, denying phone access, calling the police when he is 10 minutes late at drop-off on a holiday-this is called PARENTAL ALIENATION and is in violation of the divorce decree.
He has paid what child support he can and has tried to get the figure modified only to be give run around by the Texas Attorney General's office.  His ex-wife has LIED because she has not included any of the cash payments she manipulated him into giving her and has bypassed court-ordered mediation and has gone straight to contempt of court and asked for imprisonment and knowing he won't miss visitation, had him served in front of his kids.  Yet legal aid is too busy to help, legal clinics won't talk to you for fear of being sued for giving the wrong advice and even when I successfully filed a motion for a court appointed attorney, which we thought was a major victory, seeing no one would help with even the formatting of the motion, the court appointed attorney will only help with the child spport part of the case-and no-one will tell me why they didn't rule on the motion that I filed for a court appointed attorney for the modification.  NO ONE WILL HELP UNLESS YOU HAVE MONEY. 
I've seen this myself when i had to file a pro-se divorce after being abused-and funnym I haven't received child support in five years but the case keeps getting pushed off because I can' aford an attorney. 

Friday, March 5, 2010

House Party My Party

House Party My Party

Do I know how to party or what?? We are going to get Funky and Get Organized! Who can beat that? MmmHmm....I can feel it!